Looking back at 2012 on the 12th day of Christmas

Only travelled to 2 other countries, but covered oh so many thousands of miles by train and car, and currently writing this from yet another country.

Technically 1 broadcasted BBC credit, but achieved 3 (one full production DVD credits and one early 2013), no ITV, and 1 Channel 4.

2 features (1 with a BAFTA screening and 1 with a BAFTA nominated director), 1 blockbuster, 3 shorts, and 1 I made myself and won some pennies, and a phone.

Discovered I am 1 lactose intolerance human being.

Crashed my car – survived – paid out £876.40, got £250 back in compensation – waiting for more back.

Bought 1 new laptop in San Francisco, and 1 beautiful bag in New York, and not too many pairs of shoes – because of the cost of the bag.

Lost 1 person who was so important to a very good friend and found new people.

1 sister with a job, 1 sister got into California, 1 mother who got made redundant, and 1 father who got a new job.

Went 1 time to disneyland, loved it!

Went to 1 wedding in LA – loved it even more!

Had over 20 blood tests, and 6 hospital visits – all sorted now.

Swam 3 km not for charity – yet.

and 1 new life added to our family tree!

Had horrible news, had the best of news.

2 +(3 +1) +[(2 -1) +1+3 ]+(1+250)-1-(876.40+250)+(1+1)-(?*+71?*)+(1+1-1+1)+1+2 (20-6 +a million)+3+?* = 2012


Goodbye : (

Resolutions for 2013

1. Update my blog more – including when I have the time scheduling posts in advance (Did you notice the increase in activity?)

* REASON – Mainly to encourage my much more talented sister to blog more. (GO NOW click on the link)

2. Swim or run for charity

* REASON – I can run (ish) doing it for charity will motivate me to do it better (selfish reasons). I can defiantly swim long distances not a problem and should raise money for a good cause (not so selfish reasons).

3. Post/Research more into being a lackey DEF: noun – a slang expression for someone who is unable to break down the sugar -Lactose most commonly found in cow’s milk and other dairy products. NOT a  lackey |ˈlakē| noun – a servant, esp. a liveried footman or manservant.

*REASON – should know more about whats going on with my body, but mainly should find GOOD (please note the CAPITALS) replacements for the lost foods I can no longer eat. There are some lost causes but I shall strive.
Hello World
* You cannot measure a human life and the effects it had, have, or bring.

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